On behalf of the JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes Board of Directors, Happy New Year! 
Wishing you and your family a Warm, Wholesome and Wonderful year of 2023.

With the support of our beloved members, it is my greatest honour to serve as the 54th President of JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes.

The world has undergone huge changes in the past three years. The furious pandemic is a test that all mankind has been facing together. With the loss of life, the economic depression, the invasion of viruses, the lack of food and supplies, the restriction of movement and travels, etc., we cannot help but think that our familiar world seems to have changed beyond recognition. Nonetheless, “the new normal has become the normal”. Under these circumstances, the Government, different business sectors, societal stakeholders and JCI leaders have been proactively in search of more creative ways to maintain the status quo. In anticipation of more relaxed disease control measures against COVID-19, our Wonder Woman is ready to embrace new changes as they come, to lead and impact in 2023.

"So long as life remains, there is always hope... and so long as there is hope, there can be victory!" - Wonder Woman.

With the new adopted JCI Mission and JCI Vision, “Leaders” and “Leadership” are specifically highlighted. “Lead as WE” is our slogan in 2023 as we firmly believe to LEAD others, you must first LEAD yourself. AS is the engine that drives the actions of our leadership. It creates more LEADERS through our actions to cooperate, to serve each other, to hold ourselves accountable to each other. WE are always stronger together than apart. This Higher WE embraces us all working together with understanding, respect, and persistence for the benefit of each other, ourselves and the community. WE also stands for Woman Empowerment and we will continue to inspire more young female leaders to create positive change like the previous 54 years.

In 2023, WE have one target: Woman Empowerment through two accelerators – internal and external. Internally, WE would like to focus on membership growth from one’s personal development, bonding among members, and increasing the number of members. 

Our team is ready to serve, ready to inspire more Wonder Women to join us. With all of you - Wonderful Women leaders’ support, we can definitely create positive changes to “Lead as WE”!

We sincerely look forward to meeting you soon in upcoming events!